Approved employer jobs in Poland
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- Approved employer, Accounting - Public practice, Full time, Poland 74
- Approved employer, Accounting - Public practice, Full time, Direct employer, Europe 1086
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- Entry level 12
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- Qualified accountant 53
- Manager 7
- Director 1
Found 74 Direct employer, Accounting - Public practice, Full time jobs
Junior Tax Documentation Specialist
Review changes in account information to determine impact on client tax documentation and requirements.
Junior Client Administrator (Accountant)
The maintenance of accounting records and preparation of financial reports, i.e. deliverables.
OTC Accountant
Monitor and manage outstanding AR balances, identifying overdue accounts and taking proactive collection actions.
Internship Program
Custody is centred around the receipt, delivery, settlement and safekeeping of securities and cash for our clients.
Internship Program
Fund Administration is responsible for execution of back office activities including financial reporting, tax calculation.
Operations and Payroll, Officer
Expert in Poland payroll area with working knowledge of payroll calculations to be able to verify transactions performed by payroll vendor.
Praktykant / Praktykantka w zespole Doradztwa Podatkowego
Rozwiązywanie konkretnych problemów prawno-podatkowych, sporządzanie raportów, opinii, pism do organów podatkowych.
Praktykant / Praktykantka w zespole Cen Transferowych
Analiza i bieżący monitoring zagadnień prawnych/podatkowych związanych z cenami transferowymi w Polsce i na świecie (orzecznictwo, interpretacje).
Accountant - Client Accounting - Real Estate and Private Equity
Responsibility for the timely preparation of the monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports according to HGB, IFRS.
Analyst/Consultant | Accounting - Corporate & Energy Risk
Opracowania zasad ewidencji rachunkowej kompleksowych transakcji i instrumentów finansowych.
Junior Fund Accountant
Junior Fund Accountant is responsible for specialized accounting support of commingled investment portfolios within the business line.
Starszy Księgowy / Starsza Księgowa
Zapewnienie zgodności procesu z zasadami i procedurami firmy oraz wymogami audytu.
Junior Corporate Actions Specialist
Scrubbing Announcements from Market Data Vendors, Company Information and Depositories and Agents.
Finance and Banking Junior Specialist
Responsible for producing daily, weekly, or monthly Net Asset Values (NAVs) for clients primarily based in Luxembourg and Ireland.
Analyst/Consultant | Energy Risk - Corporate & Energy Risk
Posiada umiejętność analitycznego myślenia, dba o szczegóły i stosuje ustrukturyzowane podejście do rozwiązywania problemów.
Samodzielny Księgowy / Samodzielna Księgowa
Przygotowywanie okresowych raportów i sprawozdań. Czynny udział w zamknięciach miesiąca, kwartału, roku.
Market Opening Oversight Manager, State Street Global Advisors, Officer
Lead on managing the life cycle of sub-custodian accounts for our European funds ensuring harmonization and consistency of approach.
Fund Order Services Senior Specialist, Hybrid, Officer
Contribute to Risk Management, Compliance, Audit, KYC, Regulatory reporting activities within the business unit.
Alpha Middle Office Expert, Hybrid, Senior Associate
Cooperating with clients, brokers, custodians, fund accountants, various internal stakeholders and other third parties.
Alpha Middle Office Team Manager, Hybrid, Officer
Cooperating with clients, brokers, custodians, fund accountants, various internal stakeholders and other third parties.