Job interview FAQs
How do I answer questions about weakness?
- No one's perfect, so don't be afraid to admit weaknesses, but also know the difference between good weaknesses and bad ones. More advice: What’s your biggest weakness?
How do I highlight my transferable skills?
- As in your CV and cover letter, you want to ‘show’ not ‘tell’ your transferable skills, so provide specific stories that feature ‘skills in action’ to answer the interviewers questions. More advice: The complete guide to transferable skills
How to answer difficult interview questions?
- Some interview questions are meant to be 'tricky', partly to hear what you say but also to see how you react and respond. Be calm, be thoughtful, but, above all, be prepared. More advice: Answering difficult interview questions
What do I do if I’m not sure I want the job?
- For whatever reason, this can happen. Perhaps an interview doesn't feel 'right', or you ended up not feeling good about the company or role. Good tips are to take time to reflect on why you're having doubts before making any quick decisions. Try to focus on what it is that's bothering you, this way you'll also be able to learn more about what's important to you. More advice: Before you say ‘yes’
What questions should I ask an interviewer?
- The questions you ask provide one of your final opportunities to sell yourself to the interviewer, so try to use this opportunity to find out more about the organisational structure, your prospective role in it, the nature of the job, the challenge it offers and its career potential. More advice: Top questions to ask in a job interview | How to research potential employers
How do I deal with strength-based questions?
Strengths-based questions aim to discover what you like doing, what kind of activities engage and energise you, so it's important to be authentic. This is an opportunity to really be yourself, so don't over prepare, be natural. More advice: Dealing with strengths-based questions in interviews | Playing to your strengths
How do I talk about my career gaps?
- Key things are to be honest, open, reassuring, but also to consider breaks as roles in themselves, so think about what you learned and what skills you might have gained. More advice: My career has had some ups and downs. How do I talk about my career history without putting a prospective employer off?
How confident should I come across?
- There is a fine line between confidence and overconfidence or even arrogance. At an interview be genuine confidence and leave your ego behind. Don't tell people how great you are, tell them about the great things you've achieved. Don't tell people that you're a great communicator, show them. Don't tell them you're passionate, get excited about the topics. More advice: When confidence turns to arrogance
How important is it that I consider if an organisation is the right fit for me?
- In the same way that an employer will be considering whether you're the right fit for their organisation, you too should consider if they're the right fir for you. The best place to start is research the company via its websites. See what news articles might exist about them, are they positive or negative. Have they won any awards for how they treat employees. Do people who work there come and go or stay a long time - you can check this on LinkedIn. More advice: Making sure you're the right fit for an organisation
How important is time-keeping?
- This is a no-brainer - it's very important... don't be late, be early. More advice: The art of good timekeeping
How do I write a follow-up email?
- Don't be too hasty, but don't wait too long. Be succinct and polite, ask for a progress update, thank them for their time in the interview and restate your interest in the role. And never send it without reading it through a few times. More advice: The follow-up email
What are psychometric tests and how do I do well at them?
Psychometric testing typically includes a combination of ability, aptitude and personality tests. They are designed to measure your strengths and weaknesses, and uncover any other job-relevant information about you that an interview alone may not be able to uncover. All these tests are usually conducted online, under timed, exam-like conditions and most involve multiple-choice or true/false answers. Here's how to deal with them: Psychometric tests: an overview
How do I avoid simple interview blunders?
- We're only human and job interviews are stressful, so blunders are not uncommon. Be authentic and honest, don't to be somebody you're not. Don't try to make it seem you don't have any weaknesses. Don't ask about compensation, let the interviewer broach the topic. Dress smartly, be on time and be polite - first impressions count! More advice: Avoiding interview blunders
How important is it to research employers and I how do I do it?
- It's vital. You save yourself time and an interviewer's by researching a company and having a good idea of the business and whether you think you'd be a good fit and them for you. There is so much information available on the internet, but also go beyond and try to connect with employees or ex-employees, on LinkedIn, for example. More advice: How to research potential employers
What are the next steps after an interview?
- Follow up with the employer, learn from the experience and make good use of interview feedback. More advice: Video: next steps after your interview